Home » » Boma Sterling Silver Turquoise Bird Necklace, 16 inches [ An1malPet5 ]

Boma Sterling Silver Turquoise Bird Necklace, 16 inches [ An1malPet5 ]

Review Boma Sterling Silver Turquoise Bird Necklace, 16 inches

Boma Sterling Silver Turquoise Bird Necklace, 16 inches

Boma Sterling Silver Turquoise Bird Necklace – This silver teardrop necklace feature a genuine turquoise inlaid bird. Colors may vary for natural stones. Necklace length is 16″ with 2″ extender. Boma Jewelry: Guaranteed for Life. NBA 1447TQ

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Quotes Description:
Boma Sterling Silver Turquoise Bird Necklace – This silver teardrop necklace feature a genuine turquoise inlaid bird. Colors may vary for natural stones. Necklace length is 16″ with 2″ extender. Boma Jewelry: Guaranteed for Life. NBA 1447TQ

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