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Cardboard Pet Carrier for Small Animals – Disposable 12qty [ An1malPet5 ]

Review Cardboard Pet Carrier for Small Animals – Disposable 12qty

Cardboard Pet Carrier for Small Animals - Disposable 12qty

  • Easy Assembly
  • Disposable
  • 200 lbs Test White Cardboard
  • 12 per case
  • One Piece Construction

10″L x 6 3/4″H x 5 1/2″W Disposable Pet Carrier by Oasis is made of 200 lbs test white cardboard. Created to carry small pets to vet, to and from a shelter or for general transport. This economical disposable pet carrier features easy one-piece assembly, and is inexpensively priced and packaged 12 per case. Safe for all pets, it contains no staples and has plenty of ventilation.

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Quotes Description:
10″L x 6 3/4″H x 5 1/2″W Disposable Pet Carrier by Oasis is made of 200 lbs test white cardboard. Created to carry small pets to vet, to and from a shelter or for general transport. This economical disposable pet carrier features easy one-piece assembly, and is inexpensively priced and packaged 12 per case. Safe for all pets, it contains no staples and has plenty of ventilation.

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